anywy,it been days since i blog.
been going out recently since sat
went to an art exhibition
supposed to mit miss K n the gang
at 7.20am in school
but ended up i am late
i slept till 7.20,
so too bad i went on my own
the art exhibition
was held in Zhonghua Secondary
that school was damn great
it was kinda of BIG
and it even had different kind
of art room
one for ceramic. . .
OHH there even a ART GALLERY
a classroom big room.

our school art piece "kolam"
done by ex-peicaian
how i wish this was my batik
there actually some more beautiful pieces i took
but the server had some prob.
so mayb some other time
now it was what happening to my sat nite
went to noami"FIRST MONTH" party
she was just so tiny,but . . .
she was cute
she will be coming over tomorrow
since my mum took the job
of babysitting her.

before the party. me and jie
i look so old
after that party. went out
there were "edwin+desmond+sheena+gekkie+lorraine+mie"
the six of us went to ps to catch a movie
wanted to watch "THE MAID"
but hu noes?
it released on 18TH AUG
so change it to "WEDDING CRASHERS"
the tickets were selling HOT
so we booked tickets for the show
and ended up watching it in YISHUN
instead of PS. it was a nice show indeed
more to COMEDY . . .

then went to have a bite at ang mio kio
before heading home.
took some pictures,but everything was in edwin camera
he said he post everything on his blog
but he didn't even gif mie his webbie add.
notin much
went to tuition
was very tired
it was national day eve
went to school in red n white
it was a rainy dae.
so there isn't that marching stuff
no concert too
it was a game
and the sad thing is that
miss ming cried
all of us were stunned
she was just commenting about our school behaviour
all that blah blah blah stuff
then suddenly she start crying
everyone was like "huh.wat happen?"
i seriously tink that "those pple hu go smoking & messing around in their unitform"
should feel some guilt.
it is like hello you are wearing ur U and smoke mess.?
yes, i admit thet miss ming oso says abt uniform not tucking in
i might be one of those. but is like sometime it just came out
is lyke if u are runnin to skool it came out
and you just didn't realise abt . .
anyway mayb the school and our behaviour
make her feel stressful that's y

some pic i took ytd
first= us wif class motto
second= our no evil picture.
isn't lorraine cute in that picture
she so cute.

my best buddy"qiuning"
i love her
she is the one i trust.
almost all my serects i wud share wif her

for my country SINGAPORE
i wore red and white

.for fun
i went to the countdown party in esplanade
crowded and hardly see the fireworks the trees and the
construction thing blocked my iew

this is the best i can get
anyway it lasted for about 10mins
and it was nice.
oso took some pictures
agn it was wif edwin. . .
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